I know everyone here hates Archetypes but here goes.... I was reading Random's fossil part in the set of sagas (great article by the way can't wait for rocket) when one thing stood out in particular. Moltres. The sentence 'If only there was a raindance for fire pokemon Typhlosion (Fire boost power) springs to mind. Think about it. Moltres uses Wildfire discarding fire energy, Typhlosion brings it back and continue. With 2 Typhlosion out that's averaging 2 cards from their deck a turn. plus card drawing on their half and if you manage to draw a fire energy card = total owNage and destruction!! When I get round to getting a couple more typhlosion, I'll try a deck out and let y'all know You can contact me @ solaris1903@bigfoot.com or catch me on MSN messenger as leeparker@greenhead.freeserve.co.uk Ciao Solaris